
Posts Tagged ‘classified ads’

The Chicago Tribune has done away with its “help wanted” classifieds section on weekdays, and is repackaging the Sunday section. The initiative began on Monday. So what did they do with the help wanted ads?

They are all online, in the Tribune’s Careerbuilder.com section.

According to a Tribune spokeswoman in a story appearing in Editor and Publisher:

“Chicago Tribune and the rest of the newspaper industry face the same challenges with shifts in help wanted advertising, and we are taking the lead on reinventing the way we present our job listings.”

You can read the rest of the story here.

Does this have legs? Will more newspapers move to this format? Would a college newspaper ever consider this model?

At least one media blogger, The Media Drop, thinks it is a good idea:

I’m sorry to be catty about this, but it’s about damn time. Go around your office and ask 10 people when the last time they got a job from the Help Wanted section was.

I’ve seen some other comments on the web also hailing this as a smart idea.

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